Macarena's own art gallery

Here you can see my 10th grade projects
Justin Bieber CANVAS!

     This project was made in a canvas and it had to be pop art. One had to choose a famous or someone one new and paint him or she on a canvas. Some materials that were used in this painting were paints of different colors and the canvas itself. Those were the materials required, but for it to be painted you had to use brushes of different size, small and big ones and you could also use your finger because sometimes the drawing needed shades so you could use your finger and it turned out great. The goal for this project was to learn how to paint in pop art. This goal was accomplished because now i know that in order to paint something in pop art, i need different tones of a same color, for example different tones of purple:light purple, white, and dark purple. I also learned that the back round had to be a color that would contrast the color you used for the face, that is why the back round of my canvas was yellow due to the purple of the face.
     For this project i wasn't sure who to pick and what to draw, a cartoon or a person, but then i decided to draw pop sensation Justin Biber. I decided to draw him because i admire him a lot and i think he is handsome! It turned out great and i had a los of fun making this project. Some of my weaknesses though, was that i didn't have that much time as i wanted. I spend a lot of time working on this canvas and since i had to be careful with the colors and the shading it took more time. Besides of lack of time, i would say that everything was good during the process and my result was good as well. I am happy with this project.

Letter on a drawing!

     This one is my second chosen project. This is a drawing which had to be made by letters and writing, not by lines and or circles. For this project you could ay forst draw the picture as it was with lines and everything but making sure it was with pencil and then you had to write a letter or anything you wanted on top on the lines and then erase them. It could be lyrics, a letter, things that you liked about a person, qualities, values etc. The materials that were used were pencil, pen, and cardboard at the end to paste the picture. The objective for this project was to learn how make a drawing out of words. We had to complete the drawing and make sure that face expressions and little details were draw in words as well. 
     I chose one of my favorite pictures of Isabela Cadena, a friend of mine. After i printed the picture out from Facebook i draw it first with pencil and then in words with a pen. At first i thought it was going to be very difficult to draw this way, because it seemed long and not understandable or clear. When i started i realized that it was easy and it went fast i was finishing the drawing. I chose to write her a letter from me to her starting on the top of her head and ending on the ends. I didn't had a lot of weaknesses in this project but to have fun and enjoying drawing in words. I showed it to Isabela and she really liked it and thought it was well done. 


     This is my third and last project which is a portrait of someone i dont know. The materials used were a paper and a pencil. i also used shadings on the face for the expressions and colors that had to be darker and others that had to be lighter in some parts. I also had to use a white paper normal A4 for the back round. This project was made in black and white. The objective for this project was to learn how to draw a face and its proportions as well. The main goal was not to understand proportion of the face but we learned that as well so that the face wouldn't look funny or not right. I enjoyed this project because i could practice to just draw a normal face which i think is basic. Everyone should know how to draw eyes, the nose and the mouth and its spaces and sizes. The objective was clear and easy, which made this project a lot more fun and with cero complications.
     I chose to draw a girl with short hair in black and white. I have made many sketches of different faces with different nose, eyes and mouth and after all the practice i think i have made a nice job after all. I like drawings in black and white because you can see the picture deeper in some way and you can notice the shadings with a special pencil a lot more easily. During this project i had a lot of fun drawing a women's face and learning from my mistakes which i think it is the most important thing about sketches and drawings, you can always remake a drawing and make it better. i know that this drawing is not perfect but i do know i did my best, and i am happy with all  thre diffprojects i've made during my 10th grade in art class. 


Macarena D. 10B